the words ese, esa, este and esta and their plurals can also be pronouns but are mostly used in the plural forms. demonstrative adjectives. Aquellas. To express this/these + [noun] in Spanish, you use the following demonstrative adjectives: este, esta, estos, estas + [noun]. Those over there (feminine). If you mean esto, ésta, éste (demonstrative pronouns) éste is used with a masculine, singular antecedent. There is no demonstrative adjective esto. Este This Estos These Esta This Estas These Ese That Esos Those Esa That Esas Those Aquel That Aquellos Those Aquella That Aquellas those Did you notice the irregular plural of este and ese?

Estas. Have a look at these examples: Este in all its forms is used to point out a person, place or thing (noun or nouns) nearest to the speaker. In the examples above, este, esta, estos and estas are translated as this and these and they all refer to nouns in near proximity compared to the speaker. These (feminine). Aquella. Esa. demonstrative adjectives: Esta would be used to modify feminine, singular nouns. Este would be to used modify masculine, singular nouns. Those (feminine). Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Esas. Start studying demonstrative pronouns chapter 6 este,esta, estos, estas, aquel. That one over there (feminine). Like in English (this), you use these to talk about something or someone that is close to the speaker. Ese / esa / esos / esas = that / those estas son lindas (those are pretty) Note that the plural of ese is esos, and the plural of este is estos. this is true for when they are adjectives or pronouns. These plurals are estos and esos.

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