FCM refers to Firebase Cloud Messaging. I build an application that book lessons, in the application there are student account and teacher account.
When there is an active connection the message will be sent immediately, otherwise the message will be queued up to the time to live (TTL) set in the message. Let’s start.
As always the first step is creating a new Android Studio Project. public void send (RemoteMessage message) Sends message upstream to your app server. Adding Firebase Cloud Messaging to Android Project. Login into Android Studio using your Google Account. For this, we have to: 1) Create a Firebase project. So you have to do the same, you can change the project name to whatever you want. Sending a Notification Message using Firebase Cloud Messaging. I am trying to get familiar with Firebase Notifications. Firebase Integration. Step 1 It’s used to send the message between the mobile apps and the Server Applications. I have created a blank project using an Empty Activity, and I named it FirebasePushExample. public void setAutoInitEnabled (boolean enable) Enables or disables auto-initialization of Firebase Cloud Messaging. It works fine, but I am stuck with receiving messages from the notification console when the app is not turned on. How to send a topic message via Firebase ? This tutorial shows you how to use C# to send push notifications to an Android application. How can I write some codes in Android to specify a topic which to target then send a message to the topic?

You'll create a Android app with some customization that receives push notifications by using Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM). Thanks. Push notifications let your application notify a user of new messages or events even when the user is not actively using your application. Before starting our Android Application creation, we need to register Google Firebase Console New Project.

Send FCM Push Notification and Data message to Android,IOS & Web in C# 2. What is Push Notification. So I need when the student book the lesson then the teacher receive a notification with the I only found the way to send by using Firebase Console , as well as some ways about Post HTTP requests , but I don't understand how to do it in Android. For more details, refer refer here. Now lets do some work to make your app to enable FCM Push notification feature : In this section, we will talk about how we can send a test notification message from the Notification composer to a development device when the app is in the background of the device. Creating a new Android Studio Project .

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